What Talent Agents Do and How to Assess Their Performance

April 1, 2024

To succeed in an ultra-competitive industry, talent management agencies need to maximize the performance of their agents and clearly communicate the value of using their services to brands. 

Yet talent management tends to be subjective and opaque from the outside, and many agencies lack a clear view on their agents’ performance, or don’t have a process to track and manage it. As for content creators, it can be difficult to understand the ins and outs of what the role includes, and brands are often unclear on the value they provide.

Here is a summary of what a talent agent brings to the table, and a few aspects to keep in mind when assessing their performance.

What are the key responsibilities of an talent agent?

Essentially, a talent agent represents content creators and social media influencers to help them develop their careers in ways that meet individual needs and aspirations.

This typically involves:

Talent pipeline

  • Building and maintaining a pipeline of talent (called a roster) by scouting and vetting creators from across the various social media platforms.

Brand outreach

  • Submitting talent profiles to branded campaigns and pitching services proactively. The talent agent will review the creative briefs provided by brands or marketing agencies, and identify the most relevant creators within their roster. This is based on a) the type of content the creators put out and the kind of skills they have; b) “culture matching”, in other words making sure brands are paired with influencers who can genuinely represent their brand values and connect with their target audience in an authentic way.

Campaign management

  • Negotiating deals with brands, including terms and conditions, fees and ensuring timely payments, organizing logistics, etc. so that the creator only has to focus on their side of the equation: the creative part.

  • Acting as the single point of contact between the talent, marketing agencies, brands and other third parties.

  • Reporting back to the talent on the performance of a campaign with analytics and data that can be used as part of their media kit.

Career advice and development

  • Advising talent on the most suitable type of work and brands to work with, acting as a filter and screening opportunities that come their way.

  • Arranging appearances and interviews on relevant media outlets (such as podcasts or YouTube channels).

  • Managing the talent’s public relations to grow their personal brand and clout. This includes handling any emergencies such as negative press and PR incidents.

  • Guiding talent on how to get to the next stage in their career, take it in new directions and diversify their income streams.

Overall, the role of a talent agent today goes well beyond securing deals on creators’ behalf, and bleeds into career advice and guidance, PR and content strategy, wider business dealings as well as insights and reporting.

What’s the value of a talent agent?

A competent talent agent will add value to both brands and the creators in their roster in various ways.

Benefits for brands

To make their campaigns, events etc. a success and hit their goals, brands need to work with curated influencers who are a great fit and will deliver.

Instead of sifting through hundreds or thousands of creator profiles manually, they can rely on the talent agent to select the most relevant creators from their roster. This saves precious time for brands, as well as reducing the risk of the campaign turning into a PR disaster because of a lack of fit between the brand and the creator, or being delayed because the content creator just didn’t deliver on the scope. 

In fact, such mismatches are a key reason for why influencer marketing campaigns fail, so getting the influencer selection just right is absolutely crucial. A talent agent provides a quality guarantee and puts their own reputation on the line here.

Benefits for content creators

As for the talent they represent, a talent agent will bring them to most relevant brand deals and business opportunities in line with individual goals and preferences. 

They’ll assess all deals that come through the door, proactively reach out to brands and secure new ones, and organize everything from A to B for the creator. Brand outreach and campaign management are all taken care of.

Clearly, this saves much time, hassle and logistical headaches so that talent can focus on what they do best - rather than managing the admin side of things and struggle to grow a business on their own.

How can you measure the performance of a talent agent?

Given such a broad scope, there are several elements a talent agency might want to track and review on a regular basis for each of its talent agents. 

Sharing some of these data points with prospective brands and potential talent can also help articulate the value of their services.

For instance:

  • Volume and quality of brand pitches: how active is the talent agent in representing their signed talent for work, sponsorships, and other opportunities.

  • Number of deals sourced: how many deals is the talent agent able to land with brands for their talent.

  • Total deal value secured: simply put, how much revenue is the talent agent generating overall and for the creators.

  • Talent outreach: what were the efforts made to identify and onboard suitable talent in building a quality talent pipeline.

  • Size of talent roster: how big their talent roster is matters, but the quality of relationships and long-term engagement is crucial to maintain a successful talent agency.

  • Talent development: has the talent agent succeeded in taking careers further, developing brands and businesses around the creators that go beyond their initial social media presence?

  • Talent retention rate: what is the retention rate of signed talent? Do they stay with the agent throughout their career or leave after a period of time? This indicates how sustainable or transactional the relationships are, and also whether the talent agent is skilled enough to develop talent through the various stages of their careers.

  • Brand portfolio: how many brands, advertisers etc. does the talent agent work with? Are they expanding this portfolio and what are the relationships like?

  • Brand retention rate: do brands come back with more briefs after a campaign is done? Again, how many of those relationships are transactional versus longer-term is a key indicator here.

  • Satisfaction scores: on both the content creator side (relevance and fit of the deals and brands the agent is sourcing), and on the brand side (fit of the selected creators, campaign outcomes, and associated metrics).

A talent agency can implement a quarterly review with their talent agents to go over some or all of the above criteria, and see how they progress at the next review. This will provide a robust understanding of the added value the talent agent is creating, and also help brands understand why working with a talent agency makes sense, versus going it alone for their campaigns.


Key to the success of any talent agency is the performance of their talent agents. The role of a talent agent is broad and versatile, and they often wear many hats. This makes their performance difficult to assess objectively, whilst brands sometimes struggle to understand their value add and justify their fees. 

An effective talent agent will take a content creator’s career to new heights, help them develop into a full brand and branch out into wider business opportunities. They’ll act as the conduit between creators and brands, and take care of organizing all aspects of the deals.

As for brands, a talent agent will match creative briefs with the most relevant profiles, ensuring a perfect fit to meet campaign outcomes and avoid costly mistakes. 

The value of a successful talent agent therefore cannot be underestimated for all parties involved.

At TheRostr, we empower ambitious talent agents to manage their roster, deals and campaigns all in one place. Check us out!